Screenshots of FIVE (5) additional comments that were sent from the same IP address, under different names (so far the total of comments from that IP address is TEN (10). All emails are fake, they all bounced. Names: L ([email protected]), oh ([email protected]), oh ([email protected]), L ([email protected]), L ([email protected]) The first comment - about bipolar and hypersexuality - it was sent to us one day after Mona's birthday. What was the point of sending us this bizarre and weird comment especially since Mona did not have Bipolar.? Dr. Owen Scott Muir on the other hand has Bipolar by his own admission in interviews, and as stated publicly. (https://patch.com/new-york/williamsburg/crippling-depression-treated-magnets-pioneering-brooklyn-doctor) An anonymous person sent this allegation about the comment: "it looks like OM believes it is an excuse for rape. He has used his mental illness in this way for a long time (like the commenter said about threatening NYU with a lawsuit rather than complete his emergency room training.)" This comment shows this sender has no idea about the excruciating pain I live with on a daily basis. I am not angry. I am broken. Mona was my heart beating outside my body and now she is never again. I helped Mona. My husband and I, in addition to other family members helped as much as we could, we did everything Mona asked us to do. My conscience is clean on that. The guilt I live with is for not having checked thoroughly those two doctors. Had we known they have mental illnesses themselves, we would have never hired them to treat our beloved daughter who had gone through so much already due to misdiagnosis. The SMS texts exchanges between Mona and both husband and wife clearly show that both doctors wrote highly inappropriate texts about their personal lives, triggered Mona, and terrified her on a regular basis. The comments that came from the same IP address clearly show this person to be intimate with Dr. Owen Scott Muir: this person knew about the judge's decision and sent it to us in a comment instantly, before our own attorney had a chance to let us know; this person sent us an explanation about bipolar hypersexuality for reasons only they would know a day after Mona's birthday; this person claims to know, to remember Mona while she was alive; this person wrote they "loved Mona". As an aside Dr. Owen Scott Muir wrote us in an email that:"Loving Mona was often like washing the dead..." This comment is in reply to the reply comment from the rape allegation from a woman who studied in Amherst at the same time as Dr. Owen Scott Muir, and alleges he raped her. This person tries to deflect the attention from all allegations by constantly attacking me, a grieving mother, whose daughter is never again. More comments below in reaction to posts on the Blog from the same IP address, with different names, and fake emails that bounced. This person wrote at least 10 comments hiding behind fake names, fake emails, made horrible, and cruel attacks. This person seems to be obsessed with comments about the Negligence and Malpractice lawsuit against Dr. Owen Scott Muir in particular, and shows they have intimate knowledge of Dr. Owen Scott Muir (addressing him as "Owen" in comments).. It seems like this person might have been stalking this Blog, since they kept sending a new comment to new posts. From the same IP address:
There are more comments that came from different IP addresses, the writing style is similar to these, like these 10 comments, the different IP addresses also have multiple comments with fake names, fake emails. I will post them another time. - The following comment came in response to the post of the rape allegation (posted on the Blog https://www.monadaniella.com/blog/rape-allegation-against-dr-owen-muir-from-a-former-amherst-student) from a woman who studied in Amherst when Dr. Owen Scott Muir did. She alleged, and is willing to testify that Dr. Owen Scott Muir allegedly raped her. After this reply comment from IP address was posted the alleged victim posted a new comment with more specific details. As an aside who would reply like this? This person seems to know Dr. Owen Scott Muir. intimately... An important question: if the rape allegation, "all of the details are fake" as claimed in this comment, why did Dr. Owen Scott Muir send an attorney/mediator to contact the alleged victim's friend about "Restorative Justice" (which can never be applied to sex crimes)? - The comment below came after we filed the Negligence and Malpractice lawsuit against Drs. Carlene MacMillan and Owen Scott Muir. We replied to it in the blog on 10/13/2016 (https://www.monadaniella.com/blog/8162764) . Excerpt: "No, anonymous friend. In my heart of hearts I do not know that. Neither do you. You have ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA about what went on. You have no idea about how Dr. Owen Muir aka Dr. Scott Muir "lost it" (in Mona's own words). You have no idea about the needless and senseless suffering that Mona went through in their hands. If Mona cared deeply about Dr. Owen Muir aka Dr. Scott Muir she would not have wanted to change psychiatrists so badly. Mona would not have told her dad she wanted to stop working with Dr. Owen Scott Muir. Mona would not have left the negative review about Dr. Owen Scott Muir in Yelp. Mona would not have sent an email to Dr. Rebecca Berry, her OCD therapist about not wanting to work with Dr. Owen Scott Muir one week to the date and almost to the hour before she hanged herself..(Screenshot below Dr. Owen Scott Muir's SMS exchange with Mona, copy and pasted underneath) Mona would not have written to Dr. Rebecca Berry " I don’t really trust them. It’s so hard for me to work with him and not to be afraid of him. Therapists aren't supposed to use your weaknesses against you. Lately I feel like I am irreversibly going backward and I don’t know how to stop. I feel so hopeless."." Take a look at the screenshot below the comment: it is from the SMS exchange between Dr. Owen Muir aka Dr. Scott Muir and Mona. In that SMS exchange Mona clearly stated she did "not think she could do this anymore". She wrote about how Dr. Owen Scott Muir got really, really angry. It was scary. [He] pretty much lost it. This is not the first time Mona wrote in a text to both husband and wife that Dr. Owen Scott Muir had lost it. This is mild compared to other screenshots. Mona sent multiple times texts, emails to both doctors saying she no longer wanted to see Dr. Owen Scott Muir. She told her dad, Alan that she wanted to see another doctor. Whoever posted the comment below, in their hearts of hearts knows their comment is the furthest thing from the truth. Begin forwarded message:
From: [email protected] Subject: I miss you Date: September 19, 2016 at 7:49:51 PM EDT To: Rebecca Berry <[email protected]> Hi Dr. Berry, I miss you so much. I hope you are having a nice time with Tripp (Trip?). Everything is terrible without you. Dr. Muir and I aren't seeing each other anymore because he's awful, he has started seeing one of my friends, and I lose it every time we see each other. I still see Dr. Macmillan, but I don't feel connected to her. I talk to her because I have no one else, but I don't know. I don't want to drown alone so I take whatever hand is reaching out towards me. Everything was better when you were here. I am really overwhelmed, I am such a mess. I went to a rooftop for the second time since you left because I felt really hopeless and I was so angry Dr. Muir and his threats felt too stressful. Last time happened because I got cavities and was afraid of the fillings. I am falling apart again. I feel like I'm going to end up back in the hospital. I wish you were here. Dr. Macmillan doesn't want me to see a psychiatrist besides her if I won't see her husband, dr. Muir, but I don't like that I see two people who are so close to each other. I feel like it clouds their thinking. Also Dr. Muir wants me taking zyprexa again because I'm so "agitated," but zyprexa causes diabetes. Also maybe I wouldn't be so agitated if my psychiatrist didn't threaten me all the time to call the police and charge me for assaulting and let me to rot in Bellevue which he knows it’s my biggest fear. He said he would leave me there. He used our fucked up mental health system to get back at me. He said he wouldn’t call to get me out. He knows it’s my biggest fear, that’s where criminals go.He threatens to call the police all the time. He screams for no reason, I get startled and then really anxious. It’s not okay to tell people that they’re going to be left alone in a scary psych hospital. He knows no one would listen to me. It’s not okay to invade my personal space and block the bathroom door from being closed and then threaten to call the police to claim that I assaulted him by trying to push the door closed. Maybe I wouldn’t be so agitated if he didn’t lie to me, terrorize me, tell me that I don't shut my mouth in therapy and that lose it when he said it was fine that I didn't want to work with him, but that if he decided not to work with me, I'd be clamoring to see him. Dr. Muir is dangerous. His anger isn’t normal, it’s dangerous. It’s scary. I have never felt that unsafe with a therapist. People who are angry act in unpredictable ways. Most of the time I have to run and lock myself in the bathroom. He calms down only after I text his wife from the bathroom, and then I have to run out from his office. He tries to break in, he pushes the door, I have to lean against the door. I can’t stay around when he loses it. Even Dr. Macmillan wrote (in a text) “I can see he is angry. More so than usual” and she agreed that that wasn't nice. Something is wrong with him. This isn’t normal. He lacks all empathy when he gets really mad. Like it’s almost sociopathic, except there are some times he’s not like that. Maybe’s he’s borderline. I don’t know. It really doesn’t matter anyway, I don’t have to put up with him. I feel sorry for Dr. MacMillan and their kids, the day he gets pissed off enough to emulate his dad. Dr. MacMillan said he has anger management issues, and they became worse since the twins were born because they cry all night. She said his father beat him up, he wasn’t nice to him. His anger is dangerous. His anger isn’t normal, it’s dangerous. Therapists aren’t supposed to lose it like that. Staff members have. I’ve seen staff this mad. And it has always ended badly. People in power who get this angry are dangerous. I don’t want him on my team anymore. He doesn’t understand me and he doesn’t know how to help me. I refuse to see him again, but Dr. MacMillan will quit if I won’t continue to see her husband. That’s pretty fucked up, but whatever. I feel like I don’t matter anymore. It’s a bad situation. I feel so alone in this world. Finally my life was getting better, I don’t look like a mental patient anymore since the right diagnosis and now it’s a disaster. I don’t want to go back to a hospital. She knows he makes me worse and doesn’t care how he impacts me. He said I will want him if he quits. So he quit. I don’t want him. I want a psychiatrist who cares and treats me decently. Then he unquit. Dr. MacMillan said she had nightmares from the last time. When he lost it. She sent a text "it’s been very unsettling and then what happen with Owen that day was very jarring. And I wasn’t even there". But she’ll quit if I don’t work with him. Their babies have swimming lessons and someone needs to pay for that. I don’t really trust them. It’s so hard for me to work with him and not to be afraid of him. Therapists aren't supposed to use your weaknesses against you. Lately I feel like I am irreversibly going backward and I don’t know how to stop. I feel so hopeless. Anyway, it doesn't matter because I will probably die before you come back. I can feel it coming. I might take all my clomipramine. I would rather jump off a building, but it's really scary to climb over the sides and actually jump. A girl from group lives in a group home kind of place where one of the girls overdosed on heroin last week. I wish that girl was me. Except that she violated the suicide rules by doing it in a way where her roommates could find her. She didn't leave signs on the door or anything. Again, I don't want to drown alone so I take whatever hand is reaching out towards me. I really miss you so much. I wish you were here. Things would be different. I need help. The saddest thing to realize is that no one really hears you until it’s too late, you can be screaming and crying but it isn’t until you're dead silent in the ground people listen. Mona - In the Comments page I wrote about comments sent via the previous Comments App; they came with IP Addresses.
I will post some screenshots. There are at least TEN (10) Comments that came from the same IP address:, located in New York, NY. The IT Tech believes a VPN might have been used to hide their true location - that it was used by the same person who posted these 10 comments under different names.: Bela, Have (or Hal), Jennifer, Oh (or Lal), Oh (or [email protected]), Mona's friend, L (or La)., L ([email protected]), oh ([email protected]), L ([email protected]) The IP service provider is the same for all comments: Charter Communication (owned by Spectrum).. Host name nyc.res-rr.com. NONE OF MONA'S FRIENDS LIVE IN THAT AREA. We asked Mona's friends, none had services provided by Charter Communication. The following three (3) comments were made on 10/24/2019, 10/25/2019/ 11/05/2019, under 3 different names: Bela, Have (or Hal), and Jennifer. They are about the Negligence and Malpractice court case. These comments came immediately after the judge's decision, even before our attorney had a chance to contact us with the judge's decision. I ask any rational person: Who would be so hell bent in posting those comments as soon as the court gave the decision? None of Mona's friends were in the court. None of Mona's family members were in the court. The media was not in court. Nothing was written about the court decision. Who would go the extra mile to verify whether our attorneys firm specializes in medical practice? it might not be their specialty but they do have a good track record in medical malpractice. The judge did not deny our case had no merit. The judge agreed with defendants' claim that it was "a wrongful death case filed past the statute of limitations." These comments are too personal. Who would have the immediate knowledge of the judge's decision, and jump to make these comments? We continue to receive texts and emails from alleged former patients , and alleged former employees of Dr Carlene MacMillan and Dr Owen Scott Muir (his 3rd name change in around a year).
This month is particularly hard because on January 11 it was Mona Daniella's birthday, she would have been 33 had she been alive. The allegations are SHOCKING.. Dr Owen Scott Muir allegedly had sex with patients, and allegedly sent them pictures of people he tied up while having BDSM sex. Further he allegedly told a patient he met his wife at a BDSM party. All the while allegedly his wife Dr Carlene MacMillan knows of her husband allegedly having sex with patients. Former employees allege she has 3 boyfriends. One former patient confirms this allegation. How would a patient know so much about the private lives of their therapists if they had not told them? We know they wrote plenty about their private lives (to the shopping tastes, swimming lessons for their twins, cars they like etc) to our late daughter. It would not shock us but it would surprise us if they allegedly continue the same pattern of behavior. That might show how callous they might allegedly be, and how they might allegedly believe they might be above rules and laws. We live in America. This is a free country. We have no prejudice. This couple (MacMillan and Muir) are free to do whatever they want with their lives. They want an open marriage? It is their right. It is not their right to harm patients. They harmed our daughter in every possible way.. It becomes a huge problem when they demolish boundaries like they did with our daughter, and like they allegedly did with other patients. It is a HIPAA LAWS VIOLATION to speak about patients to other people. Allegedly Dr Owen Scott Muir told patients about the patients who completed suicides. I go to a therapist. My therapist has never mentioned a word about any of her patients. We have met with a great number of therapists, forensic psychiatrists. None of them ever mentioned a single thing about their patients. As to the alleged number of suicides - we have received texts that show allegedly Muir talking of 10 or more suicides in a period of around 2 years. Many therapists have told us this is excessive. This makes us think they might allegedly be DOCTORS OF DEATH, not therapists one might go to heal. One patient wrote they almost took their own life. TEXTS BELOW ARE FROM DIFFERENT PATIENTS SELF EXPLANATORY - THESE ALLEGATIONS EXPLAIN WHY PEOPLE ARE TERRIFIED OF DR. OWEN MUIR AKA DR. SCOTT MUIR - IF TRUE HE IS MORE SICK THAN ANYONE CAN IMAGINE.
Please read the bombshell allegations below, which are self explanatory, and if true, really, really scary.We are shocked and concerned that companies continue to associate themselves with
Dr. Carlene MacMillan, Dr. Owen Muir, aka, Dr. Scott Muir "even with a public lawsuit against them a google search away.". (quote by RH). Not just any lawsuit: A Malpractice Lawsuit, an OPMC Investigation, and HIPAA LAWS VIOLATIONS by them maliciously, knowingly and willingly. Dr. Owen Muir, aka, Dr. Scott Muir. It is also "concerning given the examples of Dr. Carlene MacMillan, Dr. Owen Muir, aka, Dr. Scott Muir misusing digital tools in our complaint" (quote by RH) in court. This is a classic case of "abuse by people in power" (such as therapists, etc) [quotes by RH) Osmind.org just raised $40 million dollars. Why would they associate themselves with Dr. Carlene MacMillan, a self confessed Borderline, unstable psychiatrist who enabled her husband to allegedly rape our daughter, who enabled her husband to hurt and harm our daughter (it is all in SMS exchanges)? Dr. Carlene MacMillan texted our daughter she had been diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder, she had affairs while married, all the while charging us handsomely.
The following screenshots from Public records show that Drs. Carlene MacMillan and Owen Muir aka Scott Muir aka allegedly have many ALIASES - Allegedly Owen Muir has Owen Mary? If that is the case it brings the following question: WHY? WHY WOULD ANYONE HAVE SO MANY ALIASES?
It could not get any more bizarre. Drs. Carlene MacMillan, Dr. Owen Muir aka Dr. Scott Muir have removed their biographies from their company's website: Brooklyn Minds Psychiatry - https://brooklynminds.com/our-team/. Previously Dr. Carlene MacMillan and Dr. Owen Muir aka Dr. Scott Muir were the 1st and 2nd in that order when you clicked our team. It is interesting to note that they removed their biographies around the time they posted our late daughter Mona Daniella's complete medical file on her website a DELIBERATE and BLATANT VIOLATION of HIPAA LAWS.
Please note that their names are still in the About Us page on the Brooklyn Minds Psychiatry Website. WHY WOULD THEY DO THAT? As an aside, their company seems to have shrieked: previously they had over 52 people in their team. Now there are 17 people. Dr Owen S Muir, aka Dr. Scott Muir might allegedly be a crook in addition to an alleged rapist: he registered to vote twice under different addresses according to public records. I guess it might allegedly be in him and of him. It’s illegal to vote twice, why would he register under 2 different addresses twice? More importantly why might Dr Owen Muir aka Dr Scott Muir allegedly feel entitled to vote more than other law abiding citizens? #mona#justice #malpractice #drcarlenemacmillan#drcarlenemac #drowenmuir#owen_muir_md #scottmuirmd #bklynminds#brooklynminds #harmful #treatment#manipulation #terror #noboundaries #vote#illegal #entitled #law I believe it might be a felony to vote twice. Allegedly Dr Owen Muir aka Dr Scott Muir might be shameless.
COMMENTS FROM PEOPLE WHO SAW THIS: - Incredibly dishonest, true to his character. - 😱 he thinks he's absolutely above any law!! -Both on the same date as well! The following is a screenshot of a comment that was sent. Due to its allegations we decided not to post it in comments - instead we are posting the allegations of the screenshot in the blog.
On the posted comments of Mona Daniella's Medical File - Dr. Carlene MacMillan and Dr. Owen Muir aka Dr. Scott Muir wrote in their reply to the OPMC "In the end, the medical decisions that led to Mona Haddad’s completed suicide were not even made by me- the last attending of record was in the NYU emergency department,"
Dr. Owen Muir aka Dr. Scott Muir lies shamelessly. On September 26, 2016, Dr. Carlene MacMillan and Dr. Owen Muir aka Dr. Scott Muir kept hounding us Alan (Mona's dad) and myself (Mona's mom) to put them in touch with the Medical Examiner's office. We were naive and trusted them at that point. We had no idea they were the monsters who demolished our daughter. Alan called a politician from the community ( I texted her, please read the screenshot below from the person who was able to connect Dr. Owen Muir aka Dr. Scott Muir to the Medical Examiner's Office. Dr. Owen Muir told them (it is on record in the official report) that he was the doctor who saw Mona in NYU, and he discharged her. Forensics have told us it is highly unusual, they have never heard of psychiatrists calling parents who just lost their child to help them get in touch with the medical examiner. Yet this is exactly what Dr. Carlene MacMillan and Dr. Owen Muir aka Dr. Scott Muir did. Why would they do that? Not only they trashed Mona (which we found out later) but added more lies about me - Mona's mom. Which is it? This is not the first lie, the first contradiction by Dr. Carlene MacMillan and Dr. Owen Muir aka Dr. Scott Muir. We willl be sending the screenshot, and the medical examiner's report where Dr. Owen Muir aka Dr. Scott Muir told the Medical Examiner's Office that he was the doctor who saw Mona in NYU, and he discharged her. NOW THEY ARE LYING TO THE OPMC. WHY ARE WE NOT SURPRISED? DR. CARLENE MACMILLAN, DR. OWEN MUIR, AKA DR. SCOTT MUIR FROM BROOKLYN MINDS PSYCHIATRY HAVE BEEN DOING THAT.
Dr. Carlene MacMillan, Dr. Owen Muir, aka Dr. Scott Muir, who keeps changing titles and now names from Brooklyn Minds Psychiatry are now Kink Aware Professionals [The Kink and Polyamory Aware Professionals Directory (KAP)] whatever that might mean.
Dr. Carlene MacMillan and Dr. Owen Muir, aka Dr. Scott Muir, aka other names from Brooklyn Minds Psychiatry, apparently might have skipped more psychiatry classes, this time on ethics - which regards the 'Goldwater Rule' from The American Psychiatry Association. [Excerpt of the Text of APA's Ethics Annotation Known as 'Goldwater Rule' ...it is unethical for a psychiatrist to offer a professional opinion unless he or she has conducted an examination and has been granted proper authorization for such a statement. ]
More SHOCKING bombshell allegations about Drs. Carlene MacMillan and her husband Owen Muir from Brooklyn Minds @bklynminds!
On November 24, 2021, I received AGAIN a disturbing and creepy phone call from a Florida number. A woman asked to speak with Dr. Owen Muir. When I asked "who gave you this number??", the woman said "Dr. Owen Muir";" my husband was about to record when she hung up. We called our lawyer, who has instructed us what to do. More on that in the near future. |
Mona Daniella z”l - on Tuesday, August 31, 2021 it will be the 5th anniversary of Mona never again. We are so broken we don’t know how to fix ourselves. | WAS HER SUICIDE WORTH IT ??? |
On June 14, 2021, I received a disturbing and creepy phone call from a Florida number. A woman asked to speak with Dr. Owen Muir. When I asked "who is calling?", the woman said "this is from "Current Psychiatry";" she further alleged that Dr. Owen Muir gave her my personal cel number for his subscription, and she was calling to confirm he is still practicing. I told her "this is not Dr. Owen Muir's number". She asked if I "knew him, and if I could give her his number". I replied "I am sorry, I cannot".
When I called back that number (screenshot below) barely a few minutes later (I was going to ask her to remove my number). there was a recording: "you have reached a number that has been disconnected or is no longer in service."
I am surprised but not shocked. It is tasteless and sick regardless of who gave my number to that person to make that call. Was it to provoke? Stranger than strange...
As an aside both Drs. Carlene MacMillan and Owen Muir communicated with Mona Daniella z"l using multiple phone numbers, some of which belong to other family members, and other numbers that have been disconnected. Also Stranger than strange...according to forensics...
UPDATE: Upon checking my phone I saw this same number had been trying to reach me for days. Now that is really a sick obsession to make such disturbing calls that they - whoever called - knew would startle me - knowing in full how I am still grieving. People like that deserve to burn in hell. Psychopaths..
Esther Haddad (Mona Daniella's mom)
Mona Daniella was a sensitive, gentle, kind, and caring person. She epitomized "Chessed", Loving-Kindness.
She fought extremely hard. In a 2014 email I wrote to her that she was the bravest, the brightest, the most determined and the most resilient. Indeed she was. And much more.
January 2025
November 2024
September 2024
March 2024
February 2024
January 2024
January 2023
October 2022
September 2022
August 2022
July 2022
March 2022
February 2022
November 2021
September 2021
August 2021
May 2021
October 2020
September 2020
January 2020
December 2019
November 2019
October 2019
September 2019
August 2019
September 2018
November 2017
September 2017
August 2017
July 2017
March 2017
February 2017
January 2017
November 2016
October 2016
September 2016
10 Suicides In Around 2 Years
11 Months Prayers
12 Months' Prayers
1st Anniversary
1st Wedding Anniversary Without Mona Daniella
1 Week Before Roshashanah
23 Elul
2710 Days
2nd Anniversary
2nd Anniversary Since Mona Daniella Has Been Gone
2 Years
35th Birthday
3rd Year Anniversary
5 Years
8th Anniversary Of Death
Alan Haddad
Allegation Dr. Owen Muir Killed Puppies
Allegation Muir And MacMillan Abise Their Kids
Allegations Owen Muir Is A Creep
Alleged 6
Alleged BDSM SEX With Patients
Amarilys Zimmerman
American Association Of Suicidology
American Foundation For Suicide Prevention
Amherst Young Student
Angry Allegation
Ariella Michal Medows
Arrayat Mishmara
Ateret Avraham Synagogue
Attorney Mitev
August 2019
Aunt Evelyne
Bereaved Mother
Bipolar Hypersexuality
Bombshell Allegations
Boundaries Are Demolished
Broadway Show
Brooklyn Minds
Brooklyn Minds Psychiatry
Brooklyn Minds Psychiatry Employee
Brooklyn Minds Psychiatry Ex-employee
Brooklyn Minds Psychistry
Bunny Feet
Caitlin Belforti
Candles Lit In Mona's Memory
Carlene MacMillan
Carlene MacMillan.eth MD
Charter Communication
Child Loss
Columbia University Oral History Project
Comments From 2019
Comments From Family
Comments From Friends
Comments Same IP Address
Conflict Of Interest
Congregation Beth Edmond
Cousin Solita
Crisis Text Line
Curated Mental Health
Daniella Tree
December 2019
Defamation Lawsuit
Defamation Lawsuit In Retaliation
Derelict Of Duty
Different Names
Dr Carlene MacMillan
Dr. Carlene MacMillan
Dr. Carlene MacMillan Allegedly Goes Along With Her Husband's Lies
Dr. Carlene MacMillan's Lies
Dr. O. Scott Muir
Dr Owen Muir
Dr. Owen Muir
Dr. OWEN MUIR Aka Dr. Scott Muir
Dr. Owen Muir Alleged Lies
Dr Owen Muir ANGRY
Dr Owen Scott Muir
Dr Scott Muir
Dr. Scott Muir
Drs MacMillan And Muir Alleged Doctors Of Dearh
Effects Of Suicide
Elevation Of The Soul
Email From A Friend
Email To Friends When Mona Died
Emma Duffett
Esther Haddad
Esther Khafif Haddad
Excessive Charges
Fake Emails
Fall 2017 Orientation Issue
Family Of Suicide Victim Sues Psychiatrists For Her Death
Family Picture
Family Video
February 2002
February 2024
Fermata Health
Friends' Comments
Friend's Message
Fun Fact
Game Of Throne's Star
Gone For 5 Months
Grieving Mother
[email protected]
Harmful Treatment
Harvard Law Record
Help A Suicidal Person
Host Name Nyc.res-rr.com
Ilui Neshama
In Memoriam
In Memory
In Memory Of Menuha Bat Ester
In Mona's Honor
Interview About Stigma
Investigative Journalist
IP Address
January 11
January 2024
January 2025
Jason Foundation
Jasper E. Bliss
JQY Memorial In December
Justice 4 Mona
Justice For Mona
Kings County
Kink And Polyamory Aware Professionals
Kit Harington
Kristen Carpenter
Last 4 Phone Calls Of Mona's Life
Last Email To Dr. Rebecca Berry
Lauren Elizabeth
Lost Promises
Loving Mona Was Often Like Washing The Dead
Mac Robert
Malpractice Against Brooklyn Minds
Malpractice Against Dr. Carlene MacMillan
Malpractice Against Dr. Owen Muir
Malpractice Against Dr. Owen Scott Muir
Malpractice Against Dr. Scott Muir
Malpractice Against NYU And Staff
Malpractice Lawsuit
Malpractice Lawsuit Against Dr. Owen Muir Aka Dr. Scott Muir
March 2024
Maria Elvira From Spain
May 28
McLean Hospital
Mental Disorder
Mental Health
Mental Illness
Mind Brain Illness
Mind-Brain Illness
Mishmara "Arayat"
Miss Mona Haddad
Miss You
Mona Concerned
Mona Daniella
Mona Daniella 7 Years Old
Mona Daniella And Her Puppy EMMA
Mona Daniella Foundation
Mona Daniella Haddad
Mona Daniella's Bat-Mitzvah
Mona Daniella's Birthday
Mona Daniella's Suicide
Mona Is Never Again
Mona's Birthday
Mona's Friend
Mona's Friend Comment From IP
Mona's Joournalks
Mona's Maternal Great Grandmother
Mona's Resting Place
Mona's Tomb
Mount Holyoke
Mr. Mitev
Muir Allegedly Abuses His Children
Muir And MacMillan's Desperate Attempt To Get Mona's Journals
Muir Threatened Mona Daniella
My Personal Phone Number
National Suicide Prevention Hotline
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Negligence And Malpractice
Negligence And Malpractice Lawsuit
Negligence Lawsuit
New Allegations
News Article
New Year
New York
New York City
New York Post
New York Post Article
No Invoices For Months
November 2024
NYU Langone Medical Centre
October 2019
October 2020
"Oh" Comment
Oklahoma House Of Representatives
One Year
One Year Since Mona Has Left Us
Other Alleged Victims As Well
Owen Muir
Owen Muir Not Qualified To Treat Mona
Owen Scott Muir
Prayer L'Eloui Nishmat Menuha Bat Ester
Prayers In Australia
Prayers In Brasil
Prayers In New York
Public Information
Punta Del Este
Rape Allegation
Rape Allegations Against Dr. Owen Muir From Brooklyn Minds
Registered To Vote Twice
Remarks On Suicide Awareness Month By Owen Muir
Remembering Mona Daniella
Remembrance Day 2024
Representative James E. Hamilton
Restorative Justice
Retaliatory Lawsuit
Rob Wipond
Same IP Address Comments
Sephardic Traditions
September 2016
September 2019
September 2020
September 26
Seudah Slisheet
Shrinks Rapped
SMS Exchange Mona With Muir
SMS Text Exchanges
Snacks & Beverages Offered In Mona's Memory
Society For The Prevention Of Teen Suicide
Speaker Lloyd Benson
Substance Abuse And Mental Health Administration
Suicidal Ideation
Suicide Prevention Advocacy Network (SPAN)
Suicide Prevention Online Chat
Sulome Anderson
Supreme Court Of New York
Temporary Restraint Order
Texts From Former Employees
Texts From Former Patients
The Day Muir Decides To Emulate His Father
The Estate Of Mona Daniella Haddad Plaintiff
The Post
There Is Something Wrong With Him
The State Of Oklahoma
"The Wish Tree"
Thousands And Thousands And Thousands Of Dollars
Tiffany Wong
True Kindness
Twitter Posts
Upper East Side Synagogue
"We Blame Ourselves!!"
Yellow Ribbon Suicide Prevention Program
Yelp Negative Review
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