Alan's (Mona's dad) Tribute to Mona Daniella on behalf of our family, at the One Month Memorial, Edmond J. Safra Synagogue, New York, NY October 30, 2016 This video is about our family's Tribute to Mona Daniella, read by Alan at the 30 day Memorial Service's, which was held on October 30th, 2016, at the Edmond J. Safra Synagogue. Tehilim reading (Psalms reading) started at 3:00 PM, followed by the Tributes at 5:00 PM, with refreshments and food.
Christine Drummond Journel, Indianopolis Querida, estou muito triste por voce e toda sua familia. Beijos
Gracia Hazan, Brasil Penso sempre em vc querida Esther Que D vos de muita força bjos no coração
Sheila Kattan, Mona's relative, Monaco Que discanse em paz , que o bom D' te de forca...
Yvette Esses Kamlish, England BDE! Que descanse em paz. May Hashem gives you lots of strength in this difficult time. Wishing you, Alan & Mac long life and only smachot for the future. lots of love xxx
Amarilys Zimmerman, Republica Dominicana Queridos Esther, Alan y Mac! Por razones de distancias fisicas no estare ahi! Pero demas esta decirles q mi deseo es estar con ustedes! Mi corazon, mis pensamientos y mis oraciones estaran siempre para ustedes y para el alma de nuestra querida Mona!!! ❤️Hermosassss!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Cecilia Pudwinski, Brasil Que linda tua filha Esther .... foi embora muito cedo infelizmente... que D-S. poderoso a tenha em bom lugar e te dê. muita força pra seguir em frente.
Sandra Picciotto, Mona's cousin, Brasil Oi Esther e familia,Passo para dar um beijo no coração de vocês, mando muito amor também
JP Mariz da Veiga, Brasil Sweet photo...sweeter memories, for sure. May memories liike this give you strength to carry on.We will be praying and sending all our love to you from Brazil. We will be sending our love and prayers from Brazil. So sorry we can't be there with you. Love, Sabrina
Simon Deutsch, Brasil Linda foto !!!
Nancy Nasser, United States | Switzerland We r in Israel our hearts will be with you !
Marina Lisbona, Brasil Thinking about Mona and family every day, praying for her.
Barbara Haddad Dabah, Mona's aunt Sweetest angel 😇 My brilliant Mona💕❤️ They didn't come better than her Nobody wrote like you did. You had such a unique way of seeing.... you were a rare sparkling jewel in this world of ours. You will live forever in our hearts 🐘🐘🐘
Tatiana Nekrassov Ceccatto So sorry Esther. Que Deus lhe dê Paz e repouso e muito comforto para você. Nunca é fácil. Também te mando muito amor.
Jackline Nasser, Mona's relative, Brasil Muita força e fé !!!
Mo Pinto, France Todos nossos sentimentos para a familia. Possam encontrar paz e conforto nesses momentos
Cynthia Powell, Stonewall Chorale Director Dear Esther, I'm so sorry I couldn't attend the second memorial service for Mona, but was glad that I could meet you at the first one, and that other choir members attended yesterday. As Mona's choir director, I can tell you that she is missed by all. I can only imagine the depth of your grief and the pain your family is in. Please let us know if we can do anything. We hope that you and yours might come to the performance on Dec. 3 or 4 . It will be at Holy Apostles on 9th Ave at 28th St. As I said, we will dedicate our performances of "The Bluebird" to Mona's memory. All my best and with my deepest condolences, Cynthia Powell
Albert Nehmad, Mona's cousin, Brasil Nao sei o que falar. Queria poder estar aí para pelo menos por lhes dar um Abraço. As palavras me faltam, não sei o que dizer. Me avise se eu puder fazer qualquer coisa. Um beijo grande Dear Esther will you please send me a WhatsApp?