Sana Secilmis, Mona's friend, US Mona, I met you at Simon's Rock and I can't believe you are no longer with filled the room with positive energy and always smiled ... I would never forget your beautiful soul ... my thoughts and prayers are with your family.
Tati Beznos Douer, US Esther, we are so sorry for your unmeasurable loss. Que D'us ilumine e dê muita força neste momento para você e toda família. Difícil achar palavras, meu coração está com vocês. Fiquei sabendo ontem à noite, vou ir te dar um abraço pessoalmente hoje. 🙏🏻
Cecilia Pludwinski, Brasil Esther querida, sem palavras... Nada para te dizer... apenas que D-S todo poderoso. dê forças pra família neste momento de tanta dor. um forte abraço, com muito carinho
Naomi Barokas, Switzerland 🙏RIP This is heartbreaking
Selma Suveyke, US Our sympathies to you Alan and Mac. We are so very sorry and so so sad to hear about your loss. Our prayer are with you and your family.
Marina Lisbona, Brasil So sorry , my Love and prayers to her. So beautiful and kind, fantastic girl. It was a blessing get to know her
Celine Hallak, Mona's relative, Brasil Baruch Dayan HaEmet. Nossos sentimentos mais profundos por tao triste perda
Tatyana Shvadron, US So sorry for your loss. My condolences.
Esta Bechar, Germany משתתפת בצערך , שלא תדעי עוד צער
Sarah Kafif, Belgium I'm so sorry for your loss! Baruch Dayan HaEmet!
Diana Moreinis Nasser, Brasil Nossos sentimentos Esther. Um grande beijo.
Roxane Barokas Nasser, Switzerland Sincères condoléances à toute la famille.