Christine Drummond Journel, Indiana, US Esther querida, que tristeza... Meus mais sinceros sentimentos. Que sua filha repouse em paz e que Deus lhe dê a força necessária nesse momento tão triste. Beijo grande Querida Esther, Estou muito triste por você e toda sua familia. Não sei o que aconteceu com sua pequena Mona, mas tendo um filho da mesma idade so posso medir o tamanho do seu sofrimento e de sua tristeza. Estou com você de todo o coração, que Deus te ajude a suportar a dor desta perda. Que a alma de Mona repouse em paz . Beijo carinhoso minha amiga.
Netali Nissim, Italy I am terribly sorry for your unmeasurable loss, Baruch Dayan HaEmeth May Hashem give you strength
Yonat Stav, Israel Dear friend, we, your friends from Hadassim , are so sorry to hear the bad news ... if its ok, share with me the tragedy and I will pass it to everybody...big hugs from us
Zeynep Burkutoglu Sevinç, Turkey Dear Esther, Alan and Mac, I am very very sorry . I am speechless ...I have no words.. Your daughter , our lovely,kind, Mona, may she rest in peace.. With my deepest feelings and condoléances to you, to Alan, to Mac and to the all family..I pray for you all and for dearest Mona. I am very sorry ... May, Dear Mona rest in peace...
Fernanda Lisbona, Brasil Esther, my love, I am so sorry!!! I wish I could be there for you!!! And I am sure she is much better now!!! The pain is for those who stayed! I love you so so much!!! I am sending you all my love and strength! ❤️❤️❤️ Mac, I am so sorry!!! I wish I could be there with you now!!! I wish I could be there for you all!!! I am really sorry for this terrible loss!!! Please let me know if I can do something! I wish I was there!! Mac, send all my love to your mom, please Esther, my love, I am so sorry!!! I wish I could be there for you!!! And I am sure she is much better now!!! The pain is for those who stayed!
Gracia Hazan, Brasil Querida Esther Não tenho palavras para te consolar mas certeza D dará força e consolo para vc e tua família bjo grande Meus sentimentos Querida Esther Que ela descanse em paz. E que H com sua bondade console vcs Um bjo bem grande
Mona in Central Park, in Christo and Jean Claude's "The Gates" New York, NY, in 2005 "Our aspiration to create a major public work of art for New York began when we emigrated from Europe in 1964. During the 1970s, while creating projects elsewhere but continuing to live and work in New York, we remained committed to succeeding in completing a major outdoor work of art in the City. Our attention turned toward the vast flow of people walking through the streets. The resulting proposal was The Gates, a project directly related to the human scale, to be sited in Central Park, whose 843 acres are the ultimate locale for walking at leisure. First proposed in 1979, The Gates were then 12 feet tall, of a totally different design, and the first drawing was titled The Thousand Gates. The project was rejected in 1981 but ultimately approved on January 22, 2003 by Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, for completion in February 2005" - Christo.