Samantha Scott I am sorry for your loss. I was on of Mona's RA (1) and she was always such a pleasure to have around campus. When we opened our womens center in Crosby, the dorm house she lived in during her first year at Simons Rock, she was always involved and making her voice heard. She was a true inspire to the girls on campus. Mona was remembered as always being happy and smiling around campus. We were a small campus so everyone knew each other. All the students would come together and relax, talk or cook food together.
(1) RA is resident advisor so if a student need help or needed to talk to a Counselor we were the first ones a student would talk to. We are also in charge of events on campus.
Amarilys Zimmerman, Republica Dominicana Queridos Esther, Alan y Mac! Por razones de distancias fisicas no estare ahi! Pero demas esta decirles q mi deseo es estar con ustedes! Mi corazon, mis pensamientos y mis oraciones estaran siempre para ustedes y para el alma de nuestra querida Mona!! ❤️
Lauren Smith, Mona's friend, Boston, MA Hi Esther, I wish I could have been there to honor Mona and her beautiful soul. I honor her everyday in my life. I have been thinking of you and your family everyday. I hope you and your family are okay. I think about Mona every day. I now she had so much potential and this is a tragedy and huge loss. I can't imagine the pain you and your family are feeling. I can only send my love and support to all of you. It sounds like Mona had some really amazing family and friends. she was so loved by all of her Bostonian friends (myself included). I am so saddened to see that the world lost such a beautiful girl. this loss has hurt so many people bc Mona was such a good friend and so kind to everyone. She was so very loved. She will always be loved. So many signs and beautiful moments that Mona left us. My heart is with you. My heart goes out to your family. Please send Mac my condolences as well as your husband.
Mikenna Marcoux, Mona's friend "She had amazing things going for her. She was brilliant, I miss her."
Kadeelyn Konstantino, Mona's friend "I know I'm texting you and wish you were here to talk to right now because I'm having a really hard time right now and you'd know what to say. I miss you best friend and I love you forever."
Katie Vega, Mona's friend, US Mona. I am grateful for you every single day. I love you much. I know you are looking down on us, watching out for us. I miss you. Thanksgiving, November 25, 2016
Lauren Principessa, Mona's very good friend, US You are so loved and missed. Thanksgiving, November 25, 2016
Tifanny Wong, Mona's very good friend, US 🐘💜🐘 Two months. November 26, 2016
Jackline Nasser, relative, Brasil Esther e family . A Mona Daniella esta iluminando vosso caminho ! relembrar ela só pode trazer bondade e serenidade para vocês !!🌟🌟🌟🌟