girls write now 6
Ruth Patkin
Oh Andrea! So sad. So sorry. So moved. xo (AJ) "But, like Bowie, Prince wasn’t God, and he wasn’t from outer space or another world. He was just better at being human than most of us are. I’m getting better at mourning brilliant musicians whom I love: it involves listening to their music, very loud, and dancing. Let’s go crazy." --Sarah Larson >> More Remembrances:…/culture-desk/remembering-prince ["Purple Rain" Cover by Bob Staake] (AJ) Heather Kristin, works at Writer/Inspirational Speaker
What happened? Was it an accident? (AJ) "Why You're Still Invisible to the Ones You Love The author of Love Warrior—the latest selection for Oprah's Book Club—explains why the people who love us most sometimes don't see. Read more: Andrea Juncos
She ended her life after a long struggle. I was in touch w Maya - I would like to do some kind of memorial page at GWN. I will message you. Caroline Berger message me tooooooo. Any way I can help, I'm in... (AJ) |